Sunday, May 24, 2009

Task 7

The global warming is a serious problem that faces all things on the earth. The scientists agree that global warming is real and it's already happening. In this task I'm going to talk about the global warming from different ways such as: the cause and what we have to do to stop it.

Let me first talk about the global warming and the main causes of it. The global warming means increase the earth average surface temperature by a few degrees because of the increase in the volume of water, which contributes to a sea-level rise and the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen. It's also caused by the burning of fossil fuels like gas, oil and carbon and industrial pollutants.

Now I'll talk about the thing that we have to do it to reduce and stop the global warming. There are many ways and solution to reduce and stop the global warming. First one is that the people should reduce using of the electricity which emits greenhouse gases. The second one is that follow RRR-Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: which means that the people should not throw the products in the ground because some of it produces harmful gases. The third one is that we have to plant many trees because it absorb the gases such as carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The fourth usage the clean renewable power like wind and water and the other thing. The fifth one we have to reduce using of electricity inside our home and turn of ii if we don’t have to use it. The sixth is that the People should use only energy efficient appliances for examples: Thermostat should be put in the air conditioners to reduce reduces the temperature automatically. Seventh we have to use new type of vehicles helps to reduce the effect of global warming. The last solution we have to put instruction about the dangerous of global warming that can help all people to know it's dangerous for the human being.

If we used that techniques to reduce the emission and the global warming causes and effect the next generation will live on a health life and all the problems for the global warming will reduce also they will use the new technologies that help for solve it and how to deal with it.

In conclusion, I hope that all the global warming problems end and find many ways to stop also I hope that the people have to deal with it like a real problem.

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