Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is really happed in Africa. The blood Diamonds in sierra Leon. Many people killed in this boor country, and all of this happed to find the diamonds. Clan has a cars and guns attacks the villages to kill people without any reasons, and they took the young boys to work for them from any village. As well, they took some people to work like slaves and find the diamonds. Some of these people killed, because they try to steal some diamonds. In addition, this clan took some people to cut their hands and feet. The clan do all of these things to sell the diamonds for buy cars and guns to fight the government. The boys when were abducted by clan. They wash their brains and emotion. Also they train them to kill people. As well, this clan gives to these boys drugs and drinks to make sure the boys will not run away. These boys named as solider boy.This movie feels me sad about this country, because the people die for ridicules reasons. Also the government is weak and they can’t protect his nation people. I can avoid blood diamonds by find trustable shops and ask one who has a strong background about diamonds and sources.

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