Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is really happed in Africa. The blood Diamonds in sierra Leon. Many people killed in this boor country, and all of this happed to find the diamonds. Clan has a cars and guns attacks the villages to kill people without any reasons, and they took the young boys to work for them from any village. As well, they took some people to work like slaves and find the diamonds. Some of these people killed, because they try to steal some diamonds. In addition, this clan took some people to cut their hands and feet. The clan do all of these things to sell the diamonds for buy cars and guns to fight the government. The boys when were abducted by clan. They wash their brains and emotion. Also they train them to kill people. As well, this clan gives to these boys drugs and drinks to make sure the boys will not run away. These boys named as solider boy.This movie feels me sad about this country, because the people die for ridicules reasons. Also the government is weak and they can’t protect his nation people. I can avoid blood diamonds by find trustable shops and ask one who has a strong background about diamonds and sources.


Nowadays we are facing big problems which are global warming, pollution, diseases and the uses of petrol and so on. We have to reduce our uses for the energy consuming because it will affect on our life in the future and it’s already affecting us now. If we didn’t solve these problems we will need another earth.

Since the start of the industrial revolution there were some of the problems associated with economic development which is earth environmental issues. We have to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide to 1.5 to live our single earth. During the last 30 years in Japan GDP has gone up 2% while energy efficiency has increased 37% and oil consumption has decreased 8 %. Eighty percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from building and transporting. A new transportation types like monorail station, water transportation, light riel transit station will be used in the Cool City in Abu Dhabi. Also there are two types of new buildings which are eco-towers and eco-residences. These types of transportation and buildings will help reduce the CO2 in UAE.

Cool Cities is a project which wants to reduce the CO2 and provide a good life for the people. It’s a green city without any pollution and uses of petrol. Mr. Younes wants Masdar to truly be a “zero-carbon” city that uses every bit of its available resources. The $22 billion carbon-neutral Masdar development could very well be the city of the future (The National). A japans company SDCJ (Sustainable Development Consortium of Japan) is the construction supervisor (Cool City). In my opinion I agree with idea of the Cool City because it will be a non-polluted city.